

频道:电子科技 日期: 浏览:1232

  Even the most ardent car lovers would struggle to identify some of the vehicles built by major multinational auto companies in China.


  A BMW Brilliance Zinoro, an SGMW Baojun and a Dongfeng Nissan Venucia are among the “indigenous” brands that the Chinese government requires foreign-invested joint ventures to develop in return for approvals to expand production capacity in the world’s largest auto market.

  华晨宝马(BMW Brilliance)的之诺(Zinoro)、上汽通用五菱(SGMW)的宝骏(Baojun)以及东风日产(Dongfeng Nissan)的启辰(Venucia)都属于中国政府要求这些合资企业生产的车型。只有推出这些车型,中国政府才会批准它们扩大在华产能。目前,中国是世界最大的汽车市场。

  SGMW – GM’s joint venture with SAIC Motor and Liuzhou Wuling Motors – embraced the dictat by developing popular Baojun sedans and mini-cars. SGMW sold more than 100,000 Baojuns in 2013, up almost 20 per cent.

  上汽通用五菱是通用汽车(GM)与上汽集团(SAIC Motor)以及柳州五菱汽车(Wuling Motors)建立的合资企业,为支持政府以上指示,该公司开发了广受欢迎的宝骏(Baojun)轿车及微型轿车。2013年,该公司卖出了逾10万辆宝骏,销量增长近20%。

  Priced at just Rmb50,000 ($8,000) to Rmb70,000, Baojun’s success has come primarily at the expense of China’s struggling domestic automakers, suggesting that the policy has had at least one unintended consequence.


  “After several decades in China, the earliest models introduced by the foreign joint ventures are now priced as cheaply as Chinese brands,” Liu Bo, vice-president of Chang’an Auto, said at a seminar held in conjunction with April’s Beijing car show. “Their ability to focus global R&D resources on the China market is putting a lot of pressure on us.”

  在4月份与北京车展一同召开的一次研讨会上,长安汽车(Chang'an Auto)副总裁刘波表示:“在中国,经过几十年的发展,如今由中外合资企业最早引入的车型价格与中国国产品牌的价格差不多。他们将全球研发资源集中于中国市场的能力为我们带来了很大压力。”

  March sales of Chinese brand sedans fell 12 per cent year-on-year, as local automakers lost their market lead in the segment to their German rivals led by VW. “The indigenous brand policy is really dumb because all it does is cannibalise the local Chinese brands,” said Janet Lewis, head of Macquarie Securities industrials research team in Hong Kong.

  今年3月,中国国产品牌轿车的销售量同比下跌了12%,中国本土汽车制造商的市场领导地位也被以大众(VW)为首的德国竞争对手所取代。麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)驻香港的行业研究团队主管詹尼特?路易斯表示:“品牌本土化政策确实非常愚蠢,该政策所产生的效果只有一个,这就是蚕食国产品牌。”

  The damage that Baojun and other joint ventures’ indigenous brands, such as Nissan and Dongfeng Motors’ Venucia, are inflicting on Chinese car companies could explain why the government does not appear to be putting much pressure on multinationals who have only done the bare minimum.

  宝骏及其他合资企业的本土化品牌,如日产(Nissan)和东风汽车(Dongfeng Motors)的启辰,对中国汽车企业造成的打击,能够解释中国政府的举措——中国政府似乎对那些只在最低限度上实现品牌本土化跨国公司并未施加太多压力。

  BMW’s joint venture with Brilliance Auto “rebadged” the German company’s X1 and electrified it for China’s anaemic new energy vehicle market – thus avoiding confusion with its better selling conventional cars – while Ford has yet to reveal its local contribution to the market.

  宝马(BMW)与华晨汽车(Brilliance Auto)建立的合资企业将宝马的X1车型“重新贴牌”,并针对中国十分疲软的新能源汽车市场将该款车型做了电气化处理——这样就能避免该款车型与旗下销售状况更好的常规车型相混淆。而与此同时,福特(Ford)则尚未披露他们将在中国市场推出的本土车型。

  “Zinoro is a brand of our joint venture here in China,” Karsten Engel, BMW’s country head, said at the Beijing car show. “It’s a brand only for China. It’s based a little bit on the BMW X1.”

  宝马大中华区主管卡斯滕?安格(Karsten Engel)在北京车展上表示:“之诺是我们在华合资公司旗下的品牌。该款车型只在中国出售。该车型略微借鉴了宝马X1型的设计。”

  BMW chose not to display the Zinoro at the show, instead highlighting its premium i3 electric car. “BMW’s i3 could generate interest in China,” said Bill Russo, founder of industry consultancy Synergistics. “Zinoro doesn’t have the brand panache. Even if it’s an X1 [customers] want to be able to call it what it is.”

  宝马选择不在车展上展示之诺车型。与此相反,该公司在车展上高调展示了豪华型i3电动汽车。汽车业咨询公司Synergistics创始人罗威(Bill Russo)表示:“在中国,人们可能会对宝马的i3车型产生兴趣。之诺却没有这种品牌光环。即便之诺实际上就是X1,(客户)还是希望能够直接以X1来称呼它。”

  The Chinese government’s indigenous brand requirement is particularly challenging for Ford as it runs counter to outgoing chief executive Alan Mulally’s “one Ford” strategy, under which the company jettisoned brands such as Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo Cars to focus on a narrower portfolio.

  对于福特来说,中国政府提出的品牌本土化的要求尤其具有挑战性,因为这一政策与该公司即将离任的首席执行官艾伦?穆拉利(Alan Mulally)提出的“一个福特”战略背道而驰。在“一个福特”战略的影响下,福特公司曾放弃了捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)和沃尔沃轿车(Volvo Cars)等品牌,以便将精力集中于数量更少的产品组合。

  “We were trying to be world class at so many things,” said Mr Mulally, adding that the strategy was in keeping with the vision of the company’s eponymous founder. “Henry [Ford] wanted to be part of the fabric of economic development in every country in which he operated but he didn’t know that Ford would have a different Ford in every country.”

  穆拉利表示:“我们努力在诸多事情上保持世界一流水准。”此外,穆拉利还补充说,该战略符合公司同名创始人福特的愿景。他说:“亨利(Henry Ford)希望在每一个他开展业务的国家中都成为其经济发展构架中的一份子,不过他没想到福特在每个国家都会有一个不同版本的‘福特’。”

  John Lawler, the head of Ford’s China operations, insisted that the US automaker is in compliance with Chinese government policy mandates, even though it still has not rolled out an indigenous brand.

  福特大中华区负责人罗力强(John Lawler)坚称,尽管福特还未推出本土化的品牌,福特公司并未违反中国政府的政策规定。

  “We’re satisfying all the requirements from the government but at this point there really isn’t anything for us to announce relative to an indigenous brand or anything along those lines,” said Mr Lawler.








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